Feb 2020
A filtered beam search method for the m-machine permutation flowshop scheduling problem minimizing the earliness and tardiness penalties and the waiting time of the jobs
Autores: Ernesto Julian Goldberg Birgin; José Eurípedes Ferreira de Jesus Filho; Débora Pretti Ronconi Periódico: Computers & Operations Research
Jan 2020
Risk-conscious optimization model to support bioenergy investments in the Brazilian sugarcane industry
Autores: Victoria M. Mutran; Celma O. Ribeiro; Claudio A.O. Nascimento; Benoît Chachuatb. Periódico: Applied Energy
Jan 2020
Learning organisation and lean production: an empirical research on their relationship
Autores: Guilherme Luz Tortorella, Diego Fettermann, Paulo A. Cauchick Miguel, Rapinder Sawhney Periódico: International Journal of Production Research
Jan 2020
Attribute inspection control charts for the joint monitoring of mean and variance
Autores: Roberto da Costa Quinino; Frederico Rodrigues Borges da Cruz; Linda Lee Ho. Periódico: Computers & Industrial Engineering
Jan 2020
Applying and Assessing Performance of Earned Duration Management Control Charts for EPC Project Duration Monitoring
Autores: Rodrigo Votto; Linda Lee Ho; Fernando Tobal Berssaneti. Periódico: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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