
Lines of Research and Projects

Although the Production Engineering Graduate Program at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo formally comprises a single concentration area, it is structured in five research lines:


Fully fitted premises, ready for research deployment

Innovation Management Lab (LGI)
Coordinator: Coordinator:
Learn more:

Project Management Lab (LGP)
Coordenadora: Coordinator:
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Information Technology, Knowledge, and Competitive Intelligence Strategic Management Lab (LETICIC)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fernando José Barbin Laurindo
Learn more::

Mobility Industry Integrated Strategies Lab (Mobilab)
Coordinator: Profs. Drs. Mauro Zilbovicius e Roberto Marx
Learn more:

Service Design and Sustainability Studies Lab (LEDss)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Clovis Alvarenga Netto
Learn more:

INOVALAB@POLI Design Factory São Paulo
Coordinator: Profs. Drs. Roseli de Deus Lopes e Eduardo de Senzi Zancul
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Cooperation and Knowledge Management Networks (REDECOOP)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. João Amato Neto
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Logistic Systems Innovation Center (CISLog)
Coordinator: Profs. Drs. Hugo T. Y. Yoshizaki e Cláudio Barbieri da Cunha
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Energy Sector Modeling Study Group (GEMSE)
Coordinator: Profs. Drs. Celma de Oliveira Ribeiro, Erik Rego e Roberto Ivo (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
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Labor Design and Engineering Lab (LPET)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Laerte Idal Sznelwar
Learn more:

Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory (OIC)
Coordinator: Coordinator:
Learn more: 

OCEAN USP Laboratory
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Senzi Zancul
Learn more::

Cities, Technology, and Urban Development Lab (CONECTICIDADE/LCTU)
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Marcelo de Paula Schneck Pessôa e Prof. Dr. Fernando Tobal Berssaneti
Learn more:

Espaço Ambev On Poli-USP
Coordinator: Profs. Eduardo de Senzi Zancul e Marly Monteiro de Carvalho

Laboratório de Gestão de Operações e Logística (LabGOL)
Coordinator: Profs. Dario Ikuo Miyake e Débora Pretti Ronconi
Learn more:

Laboratório de Sustentabilidade e Economia Circular
Coordenadoras: Profas. Roberta de Castro Souza Pião e Marly Monteiro de Carvalho



For the full PPGEP course list, please check the course catalogue, available at Janus. Each research group “special topics” course will be available only to Production Engineering Doctoral or Master’s programs students.


The Program has a highly qualified faculty, with prominence in the academic debate. Such standing happens both domestically and overseas, through high quality publications, direct participation in global research programs, editorial boards of international scientific journals, joint events, projects, and publications with researchers abroad, besides exchanges, which foster student activity at international research centers.


The Production Engineering Graduate Program (PPGEP) at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (EP-USP) has several normative documents which regulate and set directives for its activities.



Candidates admitted in the PPGEP-USP selection process may apply for scholarships granted by foment agencies, according to availability.

Every year, the Program is granted a quota of Master’s and Doctorate scholarships from the CNPq (National Research Council) and CAPES (Coordination for Higher Education Staff Development). Scholarships are granted according to admission examination results and performance in the program.

Scholarships are renewed annually, according to the students’ academic performance. Master scholarships last for up to two years, and Doctorate’s for up to four years.

Scholarship student follow-up
PPGEP scholarship student activity report
Institutional scholarship grant criteria (CCP: 16/12/2020)
Calendário CAPES – Prazo para envio dos documento
Novas Regras para Prorrogação de Bolsas de Estudo em Caso de Licença Maternidade

Student Guidebook

Please find additional information on alumni and the complete academic plan in the Student Guidebook:
  • Alumni events
  • Alumni follow up
  • Academic plan
  • Special and scholarship students
  • Graduate program
  • Master’s, Doctoral, and Direct Doctoral programs
  • Rules, Regiments, and Norms
  • Accesses and operational tips