FORMS / For students


Special and regular student enrollment

ATENÇÃO: a fim de evitar transtornos e perdas de documentos, a partir de agosto/2023, o programa PPGEP só aceitará as solicitações de matrículas, inclusões e exclusões das disciplinas com a sigla PRO, que forem efetivadas no formato on-line, com preenchimento obrigatório através de formulário digital:

Toda solicitação e dúvidas devem ser encaminhadas exclusivamente para o e-mail institucional do PPGEP:

Formulário de Matrícula

Formulário de Inclusão e exclusão

All students are admitted to the program as special students.

Moving from special student to regular student status will happen only under the following circumstances:

a) If a candidate were approved in the selection process and is granted a Master’s or Doctorate scholarship from a funding agency (FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES). In this case, the respective advisor must agree and state it formally in writing.

b) By the advisor’s request to the CCP-PPGEP, on an exceptional basis, in written form, if occurring before earning special student course credits or being granted a scholarship. In such case, the CCP-PPGEP will decide to approve the request or not.

c) Earning sufficient course credits to qualify. In that case, agreement and written statement from the respective advisor is also necessary.

Special students are also those enrolled in a single course only. Enrollment as special students may be carried out only on “enrollment of new regular and special students (off the Internet)” dates, according to the Calendar EPUSP graduate school. In this case, the student interested in attending a course must contact the course coordinator and ask for permission to attend the course.

Remarks: even if a student is not attending any courses in the four-month period, it is necessary to carry out the “follow-up enrollment”. Do not enrolling for two consecutive periods causes a student’s discharge.

After the initial enrollment, a student registered in the Janus System will carry out the following enrollments, on both courses and follow-up, by electronic means, in accordance with the “pre-enrollment of regular students (on the Internet)” dates in the EPUSP graduate school calendar. Calendar Please check the EPUSP graduate school calendar.

Step by step

1. Please select and fill in basic request data

Period and year of enrollment, USP number, college affiliation, and student category.

2. Input or correct personal and academic data

3. Select the courses

4. Attach the requested documents

If this is the first enrollment as a special student, you need to attach:

a) Copy of documents:

  • Identification card
  • Social security
  • Certificate of conscription discharge
  • Voter card
  • Copy of valid passport with permanent or temporary visa if foreigner.

b) Copy of undergraduate degree certificate
c) Copy of undergraduate program academic transcript
d) Copy of graduate program academic transcript
e) Curriculum, preferably in Lattes-CNPq format
f) Letter from advisor stating interest

In the first enrollment as a regular student, requested documents are:

a) Individual academic plan
b) Documents not handed during the selection process:

  • Undergraduate or Master’s degree certificates.
  • For foreigners, copy of passport with visa.

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