PPGEP Secretariat

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 1380
2º andar – sala 236
Butantã, São Paulo – SP

Telefone: 11 2648-6782
Fax: 11 3091-5119


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How may I join the Master’s and Doctorate programs in Production Engineering (PPGEP)?

To join stricto sensu Master’s and Doctorate programs, a university undergraduate certificate (bachelor’s, degree, or technologist) is required, as well as meeting requirements established in the notice calls. The selection process is started by a call of notice and all requirements must be strictly met by eligible process candidates. Publication will occur at the Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) website, with information needed for applications.

What are the PPGEP Master’s and Doctorate program research lines / groups?

The PPGEP offers the following Master’s and Doctorate research line subjects: (1) Production Economics and Financial Engineering (EPEF), (2) Operations and Logistics Management (GOL), (3) Information Technology Management (GTI), (4) Quality and Product Engineering (QEP), and (5) Labor, Technology, and Organization (TTO). Candidates must choose the research line they wish to join for their Master’s or Doctorate on applying to the selection process. Faculty accredited to advice students is divided according to those research areas.
O candidato, na inscrição para o processo seletivo, deve indicar qual linha de pesquisa gostaria de entrar para realizar o Mestrado ou Doutorado sendo que os docentes habilitados para orientação no programa estão divididos entre essas áreas.

Does the program offer Master’s and Doctorate scholarships?

Graduate programs rely on a limited number of scholarships from two federal funding agencies: CNPq and CAPES. Scholarship allocation is made after program enrollment through an internal selection process, defined and publicized by the Production Engineering department. The defined criteria must be strictly observed to apply to the scholarship application process. However, it must be stressed there is not guarantee all applicants will be granted scholarships. Learn more:.

How is the selection process to the PPGEP Master’s and Doctorate program?

Notice calls with all needed information are publicized at the Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) website. Basically, the selection process comprises two phases. The first phase consists of (i) Production Engineering related general knowledge and (ii) English language proficiency test. The second phase of the selection process consists of the evaluation of candidates’ research projects by the research groups. Learn more:.

When do the Production Engineering department Master’s and Doctorate selection processes happen?

The PPGEP Master’s and Doctorate selection process happens twice a year: a notice call in the first semester, and another in the second semester every year. Notice calls, other information, and application to the selection process are always publicized at the PPGEP website.

Is it possible to refer to course syllabi on contents, bibliography, workloads, and credits?

Yes. One can access syllabi and information on USP offered courses at the Janus system. The “Acesso público” tag provides course information to anyone interested.

May foreign students enroll in PPGEP Master’s and Doctorate programs?

Yes. Foreign students can join the program and are very welcome. However, foreign students must be attentive to the graduate program application documents since there are specific procedures that must be cleared for applying.

How do I learn about examination panels and PPGEP-USP related events?

All PPGEP-USP related events as well as Master’s dissertation and Doctorate thesis defense panels are publicized at the PPGEP website. To learn about all events, please access the Events calendar. Agenda. It is possible to add the events to your Google Calendar.

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