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Chamada de resumos para a R&D Management Conference 2024 | Docentes do PPGEP coordenam a sessão sobre gestão estratégica de inovação

Até o dia 14 de fevereiro de 2024, está aberto o prazo para envio de resumos para a R&D Management Conference 2024. O evento acontecerá nos dias 17 a 19 de junho no Instituto Real de Tecnologia KTH em Estocolmo, Suécia. 

O Track P34 –  Fostering Strategic Innovation Management in an ever-changing world é coordenado pelos docentes do PPGEP Ana Paula Paes Leme Barbosa e Mario Sergio Salerno, junto com os pesquisadores Gina O´Connor (Babson College, Boston,USA) e Jacob Brix (Business School, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark).

Mais informações sobre a submissão:

Abaixo, segue o resumo para o TRACK P34 – Fostering Strategic Innovation Management in an ever-changing world:

Advancing the discussion on the grand challenges and strategic innovation that guided this track at the last conference, the goal of the track for the 2024 Conference focuses on the challenge faced by companies in adapting to an uncertain environment characterized by crises (natural disasters, pandemic, recessions) and persistent grand challenges faced by our society (climate change, poverty, societal inequality). Specifically, it seeks to understand adaptations related to organizing and managing strategic innovations driven by technological, social, environmental and market changes.

Strategic innovation management is a top issue for scholars and practitioners. It is related to innovation with significant impact since it is related to the firm’s long-term growth and associated with meeting ambitious sustainability targets via green transition and cleaner production. Research on innovation has progressed in understanding how to systematize innovation. However, the constantly changing nature of the environment, with challenges of significant impact on society demands a deeper understanding of adaptations in innovation management in response to this context. For example, recent research discusses the role of cognitive frames in responding to crises, suggesting that actors in crisis have an urgent dual mission: to simultaneously destroy and construct frames. How does that resonate in an innovation management context? Or, how is the strategic innovation management system flexible to adaptations?

Therefore, this track welcomes submissions that help to advance the knowledge of the organization and management of innovation activities in any company, especially focusing on adaptations driven by technological, social, and market changes and environmental challenges. 

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